Book Review: Cinderella - A Love Story by Gina LoBiondo

From the author of Cinderella - A Love Story: Cinderella - A Love Story is "a fanciful and absorbing rewrite of the classic faerie tale". It is told here in a fascinating new version, set circa mid-16th century. Younger readers will love the borrowed magic that enables Ella to attend the ball, while older readers—including adults—will connect with the inseparable bond between mother and child; a bond that transcends time and space and even death itself.

Ella's parents are young and in love and the family is happy until Marie suddenly dies. Her father remarries, hoping to give his beloved child a mother's love and care. But Charles's new wife is a cruel, unaffectionate woman, who cares only for her own two very backward daughters, and turns her step-daughter into a servant. Ten years later, when the King throws a ball in honour of his son, Ella's only chance at happiness comes from a most unexpected source.

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First Impressions: What a beautiful story! I read Cinderella - A Love Story in one sitting, and enjoyed experiencing this classic fairy tale in a new way. This little book adds some details of Ella’s life that weren’t present in the original story, but at its heart, it is the same familiar account that everyone has grown to love. The book cover is so pretty! Also, the charming illustrations helped me visualize the characters more clearly and made the book feel unique.

Plot: Prepare to be surprised! In this version of the story, Ella’s wicked stepmother is not only cruel, but she is also keeping a dreadful secret (which makes her even more contemptible than usual.) Sweet-natured Ella makes the most of her situation, doing her best to be courageous, even though she suffers terrible misfortunes. Luckily, she receives help from an unexpected source, which lifts her spirits and gives her hope for a better future.

Characters: Ella is delightful because she remains a good person, despite being treated badly by her wicked stepmother. She also had compassion for her poor father, who failed to protect her. Her step-sisters were unkind to her, but it’s hard to blame them, since they were probably taught to be vicious by their mother at a young age. I actually felt sorry for them because they were also victims. Ella’s father was a total pushover! I wish he would have stopped what was happening. Perhaps his grief from the loss of his wife prevented him from seeing how his daughter was suffering.

Final Thoughts: It was a pleasure to read Cinderella - A Love Story. I especially liked the extra details about Andrew, the prince. He frequently seems one-dimensional in other versions of the story, but in this version, he seems like a real person with desires of his own. The ending of the story was satisfying! I can’t say too much about it without giving away any secrets, but it was true to the spirit of happily ever after.

FTC Disclosure: I received a free copy of the book reviewed above.

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Born in 1960, author Gina LoBiondo grew up loving faerie tales. Not surprisingly, Cinderella was her favourite. She began writing stories of her own when she was 13 and continues to do so today whenever time and ideas allow. In 2008 she formed Nephthys Publications and in 2011 published her first book Pegasus – A Dragon’s Tale, an eleven-time book award winner. Other books by her include Button Nose the Sad Little Bear (winner of six awards), Cinderella – A Play in Two Acts and Pegasus – Another Dragon’s Tale (to be released soon). Gina enjoys reading, writing, listening to oldtime radio programmes and watching classic silent films.

Connect with Gina LoBiondo on her website or her Youtube channel, where you can watch a book trailer of Cinderella - A Love Story. You can also purchase your own copy of Cinderella - A Love Story on Amazon or Etsy!

Author photograph by Stephanie Dribus

Author photograph by Stephanie Dribus

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